The press has been het up in recent weeks about the so called ‘boiler tax’. But what is it exactly and why are the government imposing it?
Heat pumps are much more efficient than gas boilers. But how much could you save on a yearly basis?
Find out how much space you'll need for a typical heat pump installation.
Around 72% of English homes were built before 1980. We look at the challenges of using a heat pump in an older house.
You might have heard that heat pumps have a longer lifespan than a boiler, but by how much?
The UK heat pump market is growing. We take a look at the latest numbers from the heat pump industry.
A well installed heat pump will work well at low temperatures. We explain how.
A heat pump can keep you warm during the UK winter. We explain how.
There's a lot of similarities between air conditioners and heat pumps. Find out more.
Air to air heat pumps are the simplest type of heat pump to install
Boilers are the traditional way to heat your home so how do they stack up against heat pumps?
Heat pumps are increasing popular with householders. But is every house suitable?
Get started with the basics in our easy to read overview.
Check out our ultimate guide. From installation to running costs we've got it covered.
Air source heat pump installation can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Find out what's entailed.
Do you need to switch to underfloor heating when choosing a heat pump? We look at what's involved.
Your heat pump can still perform well during the colder months.
Much as we love air source heat pumps, it's not all upside. We take an honest look at the pros and cons
Worried about changing your radiators when you install an air source heat pump. You may not have to.
If you're considering installing a heat pump, there is financial help available. Read our guide to government grants.
Understanding the difference can be confusing. Our easy to read comparison will explain it all.