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UK heat pump info

If you’re new to heat pumps the amount of information on the web can be overwhelming.  Our resource page can help you  start your research.

There’s a lot of information to digest when you first start looking into low carbon heating. As well as all the fantastic information you can find our WeLoveHeatPumps, we also have a list of places that can provide all the UK heat pump info you need. 

Energy savings trust

Energy saving trust logo Uk heat pump info

The energy savings trust is an independent organisation working to address the climate emergency.  They have great information on all aspects of low carbon energy and some great statistics on heat pumps.  They can also advise on switching your energy provider to a renewable one.

The Energy Savings Trust is a fantastic resource. It should be a first stop for homeowners looking to dig deeper into the pros and cons of heat pumps and energy saving heating alternatives.

Heat pump association

Heat pump association

The heat pump association is a trade body. It liaises with the government and the wider heat pump industry as a whole.  It acts as a central focal point for the exchange of knowledge and information regarding heat pumps. 

Their site is mainly aimed at industry professionals. But they do have information for householders as well – including general information on heat pumps and FAQs


UK Government website logo

There is lots of useful info on the Government’s own website. This includes getting help with energy bills and advice on making your home more efficient.

Household energy information

This section includes information about energy support, grants, energy savings and renewable energy for your home.  It’s not heat pump specific, but does contain lots of UK heat pump info about how householders can save money and energy 

Boiler Upgrade Scheme

The boiler upgrade scheme

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme is run by the UK Government. It provides homeowners with a grant of up to £6,000 to replace their gas boilers with a heat pump.  It is one of the key schemes for UK householders who are looking to replace a traditional heating system with a low carbon alternative.

We’ve covered the Boiler Upgrade Scheme in our section on heat pump funding.  This section of the UK Government website contains more detail about the scheme, including how you can actually apply.

Nest scheme

The Nest scheme is for householders living in Wales and offers free energy improvements to people who are struggling to pay their bills.  It’s means tested and you must either own your home or privately rent it. 

If you qualify, Nest can install free boilers, central heating systems and insulation to help you keep warm and reduce your energy bills.

Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan

As the name suggests, this scheme is aimed at Scottish residents and is part of the Scottish Governments net zero drive.  Grant funding for energy efficiency improvements is up to 75% of the combined cost of the improvements, up to the maximum grant amount of £7,500, or £9,000 for rural households. 

It’s a very comprehensive scheme.  Unlike the Boiler Upgrade Scheme which only covers the heat pump itself, the Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan will cover energy efficiency upgrades to your home.  These are necessary to make sure your heat pump runs as efficiently as possible.  We cover these in more detail in our section about air source heat pump cost.